Artillery Single Action Army # 139650
Fantastic condition Colt Single Action Army artillery rework. Revolver retains a high percentage of US Refurbish blue & case color, strong nitre blue on screws, with scattered finish losses in various areas. Mechanically excellent with tight lockup & timing. Various inspector & sub-inspector marks are photographed & also detailed below.
RAC (Carr) inspector mark on frame above serial number 139650
J (Johnson) sub-inspector marking on triggerguard above number 17193.
Number on butt of 1593.
C (Casey) subinspector over P on underside of barrel.
K over O above firing pin stop.
Number 5027 on cylinder.
Number 9314 on barrel.
T on face of cylinder.
Overall, this is an excellent, high condition example of an artillery rework Colt Single Action Army that would be difficult to improve upon. Factory letter included for original shipment on 139650, as numbers 17193 and 1593 are no record guns & do not appear in Colt’s shipping ledgers due to loss / damage. Research into Kopec/Fenn “Colt Cavalry & Artillery Revolvers” suggests that this revolver is a Springfield Armory artillery, and that “A Springfield-altered revolver in this superb condition has to be one of the rarest variants a collector could acquire for his collection”. (excerpt in attached photos).